Arkadaşlar üzerine - Of Friends

09/21/2010 10:37:20

Topic: What do you want most in a friend? Someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which characteristic is most important to you? Use reason and specific examples to explain your choice.

Of friends

People need friends after the family, that is, friends are very significant for people's life. People can speak problems, tell a secret to friends. Friends must be reliable, but unfortunately, many friends are not reliable. People must choose the best friends.

Firstly; friends' characteristics are very important. We must choose patient, helpful, friendly, funny, reliable, and clever friends; since if a friend is patient, (s)he will be tolerant to me. She can listen to my problems, and she can solve them, and she can help me. If a friend is helpful, for example; when I have a illness, she can come and she can cook for me. If she is friendly, everyone can love her and everyone talks about her everywhere, and she can be popular. Everyone can take her as an example. The other characteristic is that: a friend must have a sense of humor. If I am unhappy, she can cheer up me, therefore, friend is hard to find. She may be reliable that, I can tell a secret, and she must be clever. If a person's psychology is not good, they cannot think healthily, and if people trust their friends' ideas, they can believe their friends' ideas easily.

To put it in a nutshell, friends are very necessary for people. They support their life, and they generally help each other. In addition; they are the reason of life after the family.


2 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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