Günler - Days

03/10/2010 14:40:30

Days - Günler

Monday  (Mandey): Pazartesi

Tuesday (Tıyuzdey): Salı

Wednesday (Vendzdey): Çarşamba

Thursday (Törzdey): Perşembe

Friday (Fraydey): Cuma

Saturday (Satırdey): Cumartesi

Sunday (Sandey): Pazar

Some special terms about days - Günlerle ilgili birtakım özel terimler

Monday syndrome: To start the activity again; like going to school or work on Monday for some people is very hard andtiringafter a holiday weekend.

Patch Tuesday: It is the second Tuesday of every month when Microsoftreleasespatchesfor their products.

Sheffield Wednesday F.C.: It is a football club in England. Its players werelaborersand they used to have one day off in a week which was on Wednesday.

"Sweet Thursday": John Steinbeck'snovel.

Casual Friday/Dress-down Friday/Aloha Friday: It is a relaxation of theformaldresscodeemployed by somecorporationsfor that one day of the week.

W orking Saturdays: Some countries have a 5-day workweek with Saturday and Sunday beingdays off. On someoccasionsSaturdays may bedeclaredas working Saturdays.

Bloody Sunday: It is the name given to acounter-revolutionaryresponseto a leftist protest thatoccuredon February 16, 1969 in Turkey.

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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