Kalp - Heart

01/27/2010 15:34:48


kalp, vicdan, merkez, şefkat

in good heart: keyfi yerinde

out of heart : üzgün

heart-to-heart ( adj/noun): samimi, açık "to have a heart-to-heart talk' "to have a heart-to-heart with so'

lose heart: cesareti kırılmak, umutsuzluğa düşmek

by heart: ezbere, ezberden

I know all the names by heart.

from the (bottom of one's) heart: candan, tüm kalbiyle

I beg u, from the bottom of my heart.

heart-attack:kalp krizi

heart-beat: kalp atışı

heart-felt (apology/sigh/thanks) : samimi, candan

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 4,00


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