hassan11111 : 01/31/2011 19:32:01
bu fkrayı birisine anlatırken nasıl anlatabiliriz-
teacher : 01/31/2011 23:46:54
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2 Yorum
Yorum Yaz Soru Sor
Kral ve Kahin - King &The fortune teller
King & The Fortune Teller - Kral ve Falcı
Many hundreds of years ago a king went to see a fortune teller to see what she could predict about the future. The fortune teller told the king that one of his wives would die that year. The king didn't believe her and went away laughing. Later that year one of the king's wives died.
He remembered what the fortune teller had told him and thought that she had caused the death of his wife (that she had made it happen). He decided to put her to death. He ordered that she be brought before him. When she was before him he said to her,
"You predicted that my wife would die, and she did die. So you are a fortune teller. Now, tell me this - when will you die?"The fortune teller realised that the king was planning to kill her, so she thought very carefully before answering,
"I will die three days before you do, your majesty."