"Z" Harfi İngiliz Alfabesinden Kaldırılıyor - The Letter "Z" Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet

06/22/2010 09:50:39

The Letter "Z' Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet

by Daniel Scocco

Surprising as it sounds, it looks like the English alphabet will be losing one of its letters on June 1st. Theannouncementcame from the "English Language Central Commission" (ELCC).

Here is aquotefrom the press release:

"After carefully considering anddebatingthe matter for over two years, the ELCC came to theconclusionthat the letter "Z' should be removed from the English alphabet. The mainobjectiveof this change is "to simplify thephoneticaspect" of the language, and tounifythe American and British spellings."

What will happen to the words that have the letter "z' in them? It depends on the word. According to the ELCC, words that started with a "z' will now start with an "x'. Examples include:

"zero" becomes "xero"
"zoo" becomes "xoo"
"zone" becomes "xone"
"zodiac" becomes "xodiac"

Words that featured a "z' with the "s' sound, on the other hand, will now be officially written with the "s' (i.e., unifying the American and British spelling). Examples include:

"visualize" becomes "visualise"
"analyze" becomes "analyse"
"materialize" becomes "materialise"


3 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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