Bir öğretmene başbakandan daha fazla para ödemek neden iyidir? - Why it's fine to pay teachers more than the prime minister?

07/16/2010 12:25:22

A primary headmasterreportedlyearns £231,000 a year - more than David Cameron. He may well be worth every penny, says a former teacher.


Mark Elms, headmaster of an ordinary state primary school, has earned £231,400 in one year. More than the prime minister.Cueoutragein the press and from the GMB union. But why? Mr Elms'wagemight seem a bitgallingto his colleagues: it would be heaven if they all got a lovely fat bonus for turning the school around. And it'soddhe earned an extra £10,000 for "out-of-hours work", which I thought was part of the job, but what's wrong with earning more than the prime minister? At least Elms is doing something useful, and the prime minister doesn't need his wages. He'swallowingin money anyway.

Perhaps they think primary school teaching is adoddle. These are just small kiddies, aged 5-10. How could that be difficult? Try spending a week with a class of 30 little children. A primary teacher has those children every day, all day, for a school year, for every subject. They're the first important grown-up after Mummy and Daddy. They have charge of your child for probably more hours a day than you do in it'sformativeyears. They can set your darling child up for life, orcrushits spirit.

True, most primary school children are adelight, but there are always a few that arrive, aged five, alreadymessed upby their parents or bad luck.

There is a sort of magic about a good primary school teacher. I have taught and seen them at it. They are calm, dynamic,dedicated,inexhaustible, imaginative, positive, superbly organised, arrive early, leave late, are neverrattled, by the children, the parents, or all the crap andgobbledygookthat goes with teaching, and they have this extra quality that brings the class together. It's a gift.

I don't want to go over the top here, but if Lewisham council has got hold of agemheadmaster, then it is wise to pay up. Anyway it only paid about half of the total. The rest was paid by Labour's City Challenge programme for "tacklingunderachievement in disadvantaged areas". And if we're going to rage about value for money, John Terry earns £170,000 a game. Or why not go forpiggyCEOs, consultants anddynasticbanking families? And I have still not forgotten Fred Goodwin. What have these greedytoadsdone to improve society? Next to them, Mark Elms earns asnip.

2 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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