muratruben : 03/08/2011 17:54:10
Dünya Kadınlar Günü'nün tarihçesi ve kimi ülkelerde Dünya Kadınlar Gününün nasıl kutlandığı ve bazı ülkelerdeki adetler açısından faydalı ve aydınlatıcı bir yazı olmuş. Ancak metinde yeralan "In December 1977 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a UN Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace." cümlesinde adopted ve resolution kelimeleri için verilen Türkçe karşılıklar adopted:edinmek resolution ise kararlılık olarak bence yanlış bir şekilde belirtilmiş. Adopted geçmiş zamanda karar vermek benimsemek resolution'ın karşılığının karar olması lazım. Adoption of a resolution: Karar alınması (hukuksal anlamda) Burada bu düzeltmeyi lütfen ukalalık olarak görmeyin. Bayan üyelerimizin Dünya Kadınlar Günü kutlu olsun.-
teacher : 03/08/2011 19:01:55
Teşekkürler muratruben.
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Kadınlar Günü Kutlu Olsun - Happy Women's Day
International Woman's Day is an international holiday marked on the 8th of March every year. The onlyexceptionis Tunisia where Woman's Day is celebrated on 13th of August. During that day men are treating their women in a special way. They give flowers, greetings and gifts to women they know.
Woman's Day iscurrentlyofficialholiday in Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameron, China, Cuba, Italy, Laos, Kazakhstan, Kirghistan, Macedonia, Moldavia, Mongolia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and in Zambia.In some countries (such as Romania) it is celebrated in parallel to Mother's Day, during which children are giving gifts to their mothers and grandmothers.
Originsof Women's Day
"In 1908 in New York 15,000 women marched through the citydemandingshorter work hours, better pay, voting rights and an end to child labour. The owner of the factory where these women were working, trying toavoidpublicityof their action, closed them in the factory.Unfortunately, firebroke upand 129 women died because they couldn't get over the police barricade. Tocommemoratethis day, in 1910 Socialist International in Copenhagen established International Woman's Day."
For the first timeWoman's day was celebrated in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland. Women were demanding their voting rights and rights tooccupypublic positions, women's rights to work and trainings and to stopsexual harassmentsat workplaces.
Similar situation includingstrikestook place in Petersburg, Russia, in 1917, where Russian women were striking. Their slogan was "bread and peace" .
In 1965 in USSR Presidium established International Woman's Day abank holiday.
The other version says that the International Woman's Day is being celebrated thanks to one British politician, who spoke in British Parliament on March and was demanding more rights for women.
Contemporarywomen's Day
In December 1977 the United Nations General Assemblyadoptedaresolutionproclaiminga UN Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. Also, UN proclaimed an International Day for theEliminationofViolenceagainst Women, which is celebrated on 25 November.
In Poland, Woman's Day was very popular in communism regime. Women were given tights and flowers – eithercarnationsortulips. In 1993 Hanna's Suchocka's governmentabolishednational character of Woman's Day. Nowadays, during that day, feminists are organizing demonstrations and happenings to proclaim equality of rights for women.
In Italy, women get silveracaciasprig. Also, silver acacia and chocolates are the most popular gifts in Russia.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Moldavia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia and in Hungary usually women get flowers. There is a custom that children are giving gifts to their female teachers and sometimes, employers are giving gifts to their employees.
In Portugal and Romania, women's are celebrating their holiday by going to dinners and parties only for women.