Volkanlar Sağlığa Zararlı mı?
Are Volcanoes Bad for Your Health?
04/19/2010 10:36:08
Are volcanoes bad for your health?
Robert Booth
Saturday 17 April 2010
Those living under the volcano'sashplumemight want to wear a mask, saysWHO.
The World Health Organisation yesterday warned people living under the volcanic ash plume to stayindoorsif ash starts falling, as it has done inIceland,ScotlandandNorway.
The microscopicparticlesmay be dangerous because they can enter the lungs and causerespiratoryproblems, said aspokesman, and people going outside might want to consider wearing a mask. He added that the WHO doesn't fully understand the health risksassociatewith the ash cloud and was trying to learn more about it.
The UK Health Protection Agency said that people may suffer fromitchyorirritatedeyes,runnynose,sore throatordrycough.
Anyone noticing adustyhazein the air or the smell of rotten eggs should return indoors.
Those with existing respiratory conditions such as chronic bronchitis,emphysemaand asthma should have theirinhalersormedicationswith them, it added.
Volkanlar Sağlığa Zararlı mı? - Are Volcanoes Bad for Your Health?
Are volcanoes bad for your health?
Robert Booth
Saturday 17 April 2010
Those living under the volcano'sashplumemight want to wear a mask, saysWHO.
The World Health Organisation yesterday warned people living under the volcanic ash plume to stayindoorsif ash starts falling, as it has done inIceland,ScotlandandNorway.
The microscopicparticlesmay be dangerous because they can enter the lungs and causerespiratoryproblems, said aspokesman, and people going outside might want to consider wearing a mask. He added that the WHO doesn't fully understand the health risksassociatewith the ash cloud and was trying to learn more about it.
The UK Health Protection Agency said that people may suffer fromitchyorirritatedeyes,runnynose,sore throatordrycough.
Anyone noticing adustyhazein the air or the smell of rotten eggs should return indoors.
Those with existing respiratory conditions such as chronic bronchitis,emphysemaand asthma should have theirinhalersormedicationswith them, it added.
" http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/apr/16/volcano-ash-health-advice "Vocabulary Exercise