-ful soneki (sıfatlar) - anlamlı - suffix -ful (adjectives) - meaningful

10/22/2010 13:23:35

İngilizce'de "-ful" eki "dikkatli, zararlı" gibi anlamlara gelen sıfatlar türetir.

Fill in the blanks with the adjectives given. (Aşağıdaki boşluklara anlamları verilen sıfatlardan uygun olanıyla doldurun.)



1. She is a very
person; she always thinks about the people around her.
2. The first day of a new job is always a little
, this is normal.
3. Smoking is
. I must quit as soon as possible.
4. I'm sure he will be very
in a few years if he keeps working very hard.
5. I'm still
about our new project. We should prepare a more detailed plan.
6. He was wearing a
, funny tie at the wedding.
7. With the age people gets more
8. She has always been so
for the animals in the street. She feeds lots of them every day.
9. You must be
when you are driving on wet road.
10. The project leader gave such a
speech that we all believed in the success.
11. Dogs are
friends of people.
12. Don't worry, she is a very
and experienced dentist.
13. You should present the information in a
way so the students learn.
14. His illness was very
, but soon he got over it.
15. Operating manuals are usually very
, however some of them are not understandable to ordinary people.

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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