am - is - are

07/01/2010 15:46:33

Answer the questions.

1. How is the weather?
am - is -
2. Is a bear small or big?
am - is -
3. Where is Hungary?
am - is -
4. Where is the Pisa Tower ?
am - is -
5. Is this ship beautiful? Yes,
am - is -
6. What are they?
am - is -
7. Are the clowns funny? Yes,
am - is -

6 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


  • ahmetpusat ahmetpusat : 03/06/2011 16:06:34
    Cevapları nereye yazacağız?
    • teacher teacher : 03/06/2011 19:28:43
      Şimdi cevaplarınızı boşluklara yazabilirsiniz.
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