İsmin ön sözcükleri 1 - Alıştırma a little / a few ... - Quantifiers 1 - Exercise

08/02/2010 18:08:27

Boşlukları anlama göre "a few / a little, few / little, a lot of, much / many, too many / too much, how many / how much" miktar bildiren ifadelerden uygun olanıyla doldurun.

1. There are
researches in this subject. (çok)
2. Are you hungry? I can prepare
sandwiches. (birkaç)
3. Is there
tea? (çok)
4. There isn't
places to see here. (çok)
5. We need
light so that we can take better pictures. (biraz)
time do you need? (Ne kadar)
7. There is
rain. Let's wait here. (çok fazla)
8. There are
Arabian tourists this year. (çok fazla)
9. We have
information about the car crash. (çok az)
10. There are
cars, some of us must take a taxi. (çok az)
players do you need? (Kaç tane)
12. There are
letters on the table. (birkaç)
13. I have
ideas. (bir sürü)
14. Big banks invest
money on security systems. (çok)
15. Some people don't like to have
friends. (çok)

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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