Kadar - Alıştırma - as ... as - Exercise

10/13/2010 12:56:29
Fill in the blanks with comperative form of the adjectives in the brackets. Use as ... as. (Boşlukları doldurmak için parantez içindeki sıfatları kullanın. as ... as (kadar) yapısıyla uygun şekilde doldurun.)
1. Eating well is
(important) doing exercise.
2. Today isn't
(cloudy) yesterday.
3. Are the old actors
(excited) the new actors?
4. This place is
(charming) heaven.
5. Aren't the exams
(easy) a pie?
6. Is your sister
(tall) you?
7. There is no building
(big) this one here.
8. Your baby is
(sweet) sugar.
9. She must be
(careful) you.
10. What is
(embarrassing) wearing different shoes?

2 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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