re- Öneki - re- Prefix

03/14/2011 18:36:30
İngilice'de "re-" öneki fiile eklenerek yeniden, tekrar anlamları verir. Aşağıdaki kelimelerin anlamlarını inceleyiniz.
rewrite reclaim reapply
reevaluate reuse repay
re-enter resell recount
retry recycle redo
rebuild restart review

Boşlukları yukarıdaki kelimelerden uygun olanıyla doldurun. Fiilin şeklini cümle zamanına uygun olarak değiştirmeniz gerekebilir !!

1. Too many programs are running, I think I had better
the computer.
2. My uncle buys and
cars. It's a profitable job.
3. What happened to the sport center? Why was it
4. How can I
for your kindness?
5. The Japanese
more than half their waste paper.
6. Can they
this results? There must be a mistake.
7. The reports must be
before they are sent.
8. Keep this document carefully; if you lose it, we will have to
the petition. (petition: dilekçe)
9. The whole money is here. I've
10. Will you
for that job?

2 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 4,50


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