Sıfat - Zarflarda karşılaştırma - Alıştırma - Comperative adjectives - adverbs - Exercise

08/03/2010 16:06:52

careful - quiet - beautiful - slow -easy

1. This dress is
as that dress. They are both pretty.
2. The road is icy so you must drive
3. Ok, you try to be silent but you must be
. There is a baby sleeping in the other room.
4. Can you speak
? I am trying to study here.
5. English is
Chinese. Chinese is really difficult.
6. You can understand this
than the other problem. This problem is not difficult at all.
7. Mailing is
shipping method. You should send by cargo.
8. You are speaking slowly but still I cannot understand. Could you please speak
9. You have ten mistakes in that report I only have three. It is clear that I was
10. Alper can explain
as our teacher. He is really talented.

3 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 4,67


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