Sıfat mı Zarf mı? - Adverb or Adjective?

02/01/2010 20:16:38

Gap-fill exercise

She speaks a
Spanish. (perfectly-perfect)
Tom drives the car
. (carefully-careful)
My mom was a
woman. (beautifully-beautiful)
The dress she has bought is
cheap. (reasonably-reasonable)
The old building may be
destroyed in an earthquake. (totally-total)
You cannot be
. (seriously-serious)
I don't like walking
. (slowly-slow)
They've been looking for a
song for their wedding ceremony.(nice- nicely)
It rained
all night. (heavily-heavy)
Lale is not a
driver. (carefully-careful)
He has wounded himself
. (seriously-serious)
Please speak a little more
. (quietly-quiet)
The children couldn't sleep
because of the noise. (well-good)
They all seemed
. (happily-happy)
I had a
dream last night. (strangely-strange)
My father spoke so
that I had to listen to him. (seriously-serious)
We felt
about him. (curiously-curious)
We were playing
in the stage.(happily-happy)
She has some
memories about her childhood. (sadly-sad)
The girl made a
start. (slowly-slow)
Our boss always speaks
. (loudly-loud)
Your mother dresses
. (beautifully-beautiful)

3 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 4,67


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