Sıfat ve Zarf -g - Adjective & Adverb -g

03/09/2012 10:26:31

Sıfatlar isimleri, zarflar fiilleri niteler. Eylemin nasıl yapıldığını anlatan zarflar genellikle sıfatlara -ly eki eklenerek yapılır ve her zaman fiilden sonra gelir. Fiilin nesnesi varsa zarf aralarına girmez, sona gider.

The officers were very calm, they lead us out camly. Fortunately no one was injured. - Görevlilerçok sakindi, bizi sakince dışarı çıkardılar. Neyse ki kimse yaralanmadı.
good healthy clever serious
quiet clear equal long
easy patient honest short
careful curious regular sad
1. This is a very
question. Everybody can answer it
2. Be
. Speak
, don’t wake up the baby.
3. Is Fırat
? Did he explain eveything
4. Aslı is very
. She writes the reports
5. They waited
. The customers were very
6. Isn’t Dilara
? Doesn’t she speak
7. Berke wants a
life, he wants to eat
and do sports.
8. This subject isn’t
. Let’s explain again
9. Did he apologize
?Was Fevzi
10. Melih is really
, he does the job
11. Since they live
, my parents are still very
12. Be
! Tell me everything
13. Everybody is
, please behave everybody
14. They weren’t very
but suddenly they started to discuss
15. Some children are very
. They ask a lot of questions

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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