cakyuz : 01/27/2011 14:24:07
11.soruda 1 mayıs resmi tatil olarak görünmeli...çünkü resmi tatil-
teacher : 01/27/2011 15:34:46
Yes you're right, it's an old test, it will be corrected soon. Thank you.
secil_karakaya : 02/01/2011 20:54:15
Hi, The third question. You asked "president" but answer seem 'Tayyip Erdoğan. It must be Abdullah Gül. Because you know Tayyip Erdoğan is prime minister...-
teacher : 02/02/2011 04:06:46
Both problems have been fixed.
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Türkiye Hakkında Bir Test - A Test about Turkey
A Test about Turkey