
04/24/2010 10:15:23

               Her Gün 1 İngilizce Kelime Test 6 - Daily Words Test 6 

03/11/2010 12:54:32

By Maggie Shiels  Technology reporter, BBC News, GDC, San Francisco  The world's largest social network has suggests around three The "The next  ingredients But some developers questioned what "If I knew that, I wouldn't tell you the answer. I would go out and make it," said Pete Morrish of developer Waterfront Entertainment. Dasha Kobzeva of Playrix Entertainment was a little more But Farmville,

03/03/2010 13:41:50

2 March 2010  Friends on social Buxter Other The company behind the application is ClickandBuy which More than 13 million people across the world already have accounts with it, and a ClickandBuy account is Transactions between Buxter accounts are free to make and receive but a 1.9% commission fee, minimum 2 euros or $3 (£2), is "People share their The application is designed for fairly small pay

02/09/2010 15:53:24

Social  When Facebook changed the newsfeed on its homepage last October, the new Now, the protest is starting again. On Friday, the social network began to roll out new changes to the homepage of some 80m users, while the rest of the 320m users will follow in the next few days, according to the website Inside Facebook. Immediately after the site, which recently turned six, started to introduce th