Facebook Yeni Tasarımı Sonrası Yeniden Ateş Altında - Facebook Under Fire Again Over Redesign

02/09/2010 15:53:24

Facebook under fire again overredesign- Facebook yeni tasarımı sonrası yeniden ateş altında

Social networkingsite Facebook is once again under attack after starting to roll outchanges to its homepage.

When Facebook changed the newsfeed on its homepage last October, the newlayoutwas greeted by a wave of protest from users. Some 1.75 million Facebook members joined the group "Change Facebook back to normal!" and an additional 1,280,000 members joined "Switch back to the old news feed!!!" decorating the Facebook logo with the claim "the more complicated andpretentiousMySpace".

Now, the protest is starting again.

On Friday, the social network began to roll out new changes to the homepage of some 80m users, while the rest of the 320m users will follow in the next few days, according to the website Inside Facebook. Immediately after the site, which recently turned six, started to introduce the changes the protest groups started becoming popular again.

The biggest change was to thenavigationon the homepage. The left-hand menu has become ahandy"Friends"dashboardtobrowsefriends' content such as photos or events, and is making it possible todirectlysee who is online for a chat. Messages can now also be found in the left menu, and can be sent without navigating away from the homepage.

"Notifications" have also beenredefined. Until now, users found out if someone has written on their wall or tagged them in a photo at the bottom right. This button is moving to the top menu, but will nownotifyusers about their friends' movements as well.

Finally, games and applications are getting more weight as the dashboards willhighlightthe applications users have interacted with most recently as well as their friends' activity in that field.

"We hope the simplified design of the homepage will make it easy for you to stay connected with the people, applications and activities that matter the most to you," said engineer Jing Chen on the Facebook blog. Obviously, some people don't think so.

Facebook user Melisa Rhodes replied: "This new format makes absolutely NO sense at all. There are TWO places to get your messages which is a waste. There are TWO places to see friends online and to chat ... also a complete waste. And there is ONLY ONE feed!!!!!!!!! One newsfeed that changes from second to second where one minute you are reading something ..."

And Thomas Langenback posted to the "Switch back to the old news feed!!!" group: "Here's an idea: why not TEST stuff throughly to be sure theBUGSare worked out before making it live! Here's another idea: why not give people a choice beforeinflictinga bug-ridden'upgrade'upon them. Here's the best idea yet: Why not leave well enough alone?"

Have you experienced the new Facebook? Is the Facebook protest just a typical reaction to change, or is it justified? What do you think?

Posted by Mercedes Bunz Monday 8 February 2010

 " http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/pda/2010/feb/08/facebook-new-design

3 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 4,33


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