suçlamak - accuse, denounce, frame, allege, charge, book

01/26/2010 15:05:27

accuse, denounce, frame, allege, charge, book

accuse: suçlamak

They accused him of lying.

denounce: siddetle ve açıkça eleştirmek/kınamak

To build a new park will be denounced as a waste of public money.

frame: yalan yere suçlamak, çamur atmak

I didn't do anything wrong, she framed me.

allege: iddia etmek, kanıtsız öne sürmek

It has been alleged that they are the burglars.

charge: itham etmek, resmi olarak suçlamak

When the police arrested him, they charged him with murder.

book: (suç işleyen birini) resmi kayıtlara geçmek

The police will book you if you break the rules again.

1 kişi tarafından oylandı. Ortalama: 5,00


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