Communicative Language Learning

06/07/2010 14:32:13


  • How does the teacher start the lesson?

Greets the students. The teacher has a short talk with students.

  • How is the movement of the teacher in the classroom?

Stay back when necessary.

  • Are the students active or passive?


  • Does the teacher use real objects, pictures etc?

She is not forced. If she wants she uses.

  • Does the teacher correct student errors? How?

She corrects student' errors in 2 ways: student has to realize the error, Student turns on the human computer.

  • Does the teacher give rules explicitly or implicitly?

Explicitly. The students feel secure that they learn the truth.

  • Does the teacher use L1 or L2 as classroom language?

L1 is used for instructions of activities. Meaning can be made clear. For security. In Silent Way they don't use L1 they can use it at the feedback sessions.

  • Is the teacher friendly?


  • Which skill does the teacher heavily emphasize?

Listening and speaking. (Communication) listening is used as tool for two things: understanding, error correction (reflective listening)

  • Which language area is more emphasized? Grammar or vocabulary?

Vocabulary, but they are more or less the same.

  • Does the teacher provide the learners with enough examples and exercises?

The teacher provides the chance for the students to produce examples. The students give examples. The students are the center.

  • Does the teacher emphasize pronunciation?


  • For which level or age group do u think this method can be appropriate and for what purpose?

Adult beginner.

Reviewing the Principles

The principles of each approach are organised below by answering the ten questions. Not at all the questions are addressed by each approach. All the questions, however, are listed so that it'll be easier for you to make comparisons among the approaches.
  • What are the goals of teachers who use methods based on this approach?

Communication, make students responsible for learning, consider a student as a whole person (-motivation, -interaction/relation, -intelligence, -feelings, -abilities, -needs.) Teacher wants their students to learn how to use the T.L. communicatively.

  • What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students?

Teacher: counsellor, understands, guides, gives feedback, supports, helps, teaches

Student: client, follows, learns, explores, criticises him/herself, trusts

  • What are the some characteristics of the teaching / learning process?

I- Security

a) use of L1

b) not teacher fronted

c) instruction

d) trust in teacher

II- Aggression

Students are eager, aggressive to learn, they participate in activities. They are volunteer and initiator.

III- Attention

Do one thing at a time.

IV- Reflection

In this stage the student only understands if s/he does wrong or right.

a) Reflect critical thinking. You are criticising your production, your speech.

b) Experience. (learning) feedback sessions: feelings, you r always observing yourself.

V- Retention

The integration of the new material into student brain means intake, real learning. This is done by using language.

VI- Feedback sessions

Observing our mistakes. a) talk-taped recorded, b) transcribed, c) the teacher reads the transcription, the students have the chance to criticize their own production. The students find out where the actual difference is. E.g: "there is a dog." The student tells it as "there is an dog'. In reflection the students hear it from the teacher. The teacher starts to practice with Human Computer. He discriminate the mistake and correct. First realize specific mistakes in speech and then correct it by using human computer.

VII- Discrimination

The students find out where the actual difference is. E.g. there is a dog. Student says "there is an dog".

  • What is the nature of students - teacher interaction? What is the nature of student - student interaction?

Teacher - student centred. Both of them considered as a whole person.

T/S presentation

S/S activities (group), practice

S/T human computer, feedback sessions, eliciting (take the info from students by prompting. The teacher doesn't give the info.)

  • How are the feelings of the students dealt with?

Secure, non-defensive, all the features in teacher's role.

  • How is the language viewed? How is the culture viewed?

Language is for communication and culture is integrated into the language.

  • What areas of language emphasized? What language skills are emphasized?

Pronunciation, speaking but all of the skills emphasized. Pronunciation is worked from the beginning

  • What is the role of the students' native language?

For security of the students L1 is used. To make the meaning clear and it allows students to combine the T.L. in different ways and create new sentences. While the stuedent is expressing their feeling about.

  • How is the evaluation accomplished?

Overall evaluation: communication is more important than form. Discrete point evaluation: each of them evaluating different skill. E.g. Judy.......(go) to school yesterday. ( 4 metod-W, S, I, R 1 soru hepsini kapsıyorsa = discrete point evaluation)

  • How does the teacher respond to students' errors?

The student have to understand that s/he had an error. Non-threating. Actual responsibility of error correction is on the student, not on the teacher. The teacher just interfere when a student asks.

The students create the material.

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